Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cannon River Fun

Elizabeth, Andrew, and I had a fun day on the Cannon River. Elizabeth kayaked, while Andrew and I canoed on the 7 mile stretch from Cannon Falls to Miesville. We didn't know what to expect in the way of fishing this stretch of river; Andrew was just hoping to catch a fish or two. Turns out, the fishing was terrific. Andrew ended up catching 13 smallmouth bass (and losing 2 or 3 others), while I caught 3 bass. The fish were on the smaller side but a couple hit 13". And, as Andrew said, "They were all good fighters." He considered this a great pre-birthday activity. Click here to see more photos.

Jeffrey was busy at Summer Stretch, a program at church where middle schoolers perform a service project in the morning, then do a fun activity in the afternoon (this week they went to Brunswick Zone for bowling and laser tag). We did bring him an awesome apple turnover from the Cannon Falls bakery.